Rio Grande Camp Knife, reproduction by Adam Daub of Maryland. These are reproductions of SHEFFIELD knives made in England during the 19th century, sold in large numbers in America before, during after the war. The "RIO GRANDE" Knife, model was popular with frontiersmen, hunters, gentlemen, and soldiers.
These are durable, high-quality knives made for use as well as historical display. Each blade is hand forged, and a beautiful hardwood handgrip attached. Each knife comes with a handmade leather sheath. The originals from England had "RIO GRANDE CAMP KNIFE" stamped on them, Sheffield knives were also copied and made by Americans as well.
One "infamous" American who liked these knives so well was John Wilkes Booth who purchased several Rio Grande Camp Knives with bone or antler handles rather than wood, he gave them out to his conspirators, before he went to Fords theater.
Rio Grande Camp Knife, reproduction by Adam Daub of Maryland. These are reproductions of SHEFFIELD knives made in England during the 19th century, sold in large numbers in America before, during after the war. The "RIO GRANDE" Knife, model was popular with frontiersmen, hunters, gentlemen, and soldiers.
These are durable, high-quality knives made for use as well as historical display. Each blade is hand forged, and a beautiful hardwood handgrip attached. Each knife comes with a handmade leather sheath. The originals from England had "RIO GRANDE CAMP KNIFE" stamped on them, Sheffield knives were also copied and made by Americans as well.
One "infamous" American who liked these knives so well was John Wilkes Booth who purchased several Rio Grande Camp Knives with bone or antler handles rather than wood, he gave them out to his conspirators, before he went to Fords theater.